10 reasons to live in Andalusia


Ahead of places like Paris, Parma or the Caribbean, The Telegraph places Andalusia in the top 20 of the best places to live in the world. It highlights its climate, gastronomy, the warmth of its people, its culture and its historical heritage.

Create your own mortgage and start saving


It is clear to you that you want to buy a house in a few years' time, but you know that the price is far beyond your means. Not only now, but even to ask the bank for a mortgage. We bring you a tip that can improve your financial situation for the future, create your own mortgage.

Don't stay in your summer flat, enjoy Estepona!


  ¿Tienes un piso de verano en Estepona? Este verano a pesar de la situación pandémica que vivimos, tienes numerosos planes culturales y sociales para no aburrirte ni un segundo. Tendrás actuaciones en el el Parque Botánico Orquidario y en el Paseo Marítimo. Varios artistas de toda España con especial protagonismo de los artistas locales, […]

Buy a flat in Estepona. The best areas to look for your property.

Vista de la playa de estepona

El mercado inmobiliario en la ciudad de Estepona, en los últimos años, ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento. Tanto en apartamentos y viviendas de obra nueva, como en propiedades de segunda mano, y la oferta disponible de propiedades no ha parado de aumentar. ¿Estás buscando comprar piso en Estepona? sigue leyendo. Con este post, queremos echar […]

Real estate terms, know them all, or almost all!

términos inmobiliarios

Términos inmobiliarios, ¿hay tantos? ¿Alguna vez has ido a buscar un piso de alquiler o para comprar tu primera vivienda y la mitad de los términos te sonaban a chino? En este post, desde Grupo IPG te queremos ayudar a comprender muchos de esos términos que escuchamos muy poco a lo largo de nuestra vida, […]

Buy or rent? The best option is...

Comprar o alquilar

They say that renting is a waste of money and buying a house ties you down for life. In this article we look more closely at these two topics.

What do you need to be a great real estate agent?

A highly demanded job is that of a commercial real estate agent. When you decide to work in this sector and for this particular position, you should know that there are certain knowledge and skills that the real estate agency in question will look for in your CV to see if you are the ideal candidate.

Can I declare my home as a place of work?

oficina en casa

If you are one of those people who work from home as a self-employed person, freelancer or setting up a business, the most logical question is, can I declare my home as a workplace? In this article we will see that you can, along with the benefits and drawbacks of doing so.

10 tips to avoid losing anything in a move


With the move comes the stress and strain, as you have to move all your belongings from one house to another. So take a deep breath and relax, and in this article we will provide you with the best advice on how to organize your move so that you don't lose anything in the process.

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